Explainable AI
Apr 27, 2016

We develop methodology to explain the outcome of black box predictive models. We work with Shapley values, counterfactual explanations and related methods.

Martin Jullum
Senior Research Scientist
XAI (Shapley values, counterfactuals), machine learning, network analysis, model selection, point processes.
External Project
Basic general introduction to Explainable AI
Apr 5, 2024
BI Norwegian Business School, Nydalen, Oslo, Norway
Overordnet introduksjon til forskningsfeltet XAI og hvordan velge riktig forklaringsmetode
Jan 24, 2024
NAV - Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet, Fyrstikkalléen 1, Oslo
Briefly about how we used our statistical mindset to incorporating feature dependence in Shapley values and Counterfactual Explanations
Dec 5, 2023
Blindern, UiO, Norway
Brief introduction to our counterfactual explanation method MCCE
May 9, 2023
Introduction to our counterfactual explanation method MCCE
Mar 29, 2023
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Introduction to our counterfactual explanation method MCCE
Mar 9, 2023
Norweigan Computing Center, Oslo, Norway
Brief introduction and demo of our interactive tool for choosing XAI method
Nov 21, 2022
NAV, Oslo
Brief introduction and comparison of four global explanation methods
Apr 8, 2022
Overview of the use of Shapley values for prediction explanation
Feb 3, 2022
Presenting a method for explaining predictive models with Shapley values for groups of covariates
Jun 23, 2021
Online/Tromsø, Norway
Invited talk giving an introduction to prediction explanation with particular focus on our work on Shapley values.
Mar 29, 2020
NTNU, Trondheim
Invited talk presenting our groups work on dependence-aware prediction explanation with Shapley values.
Nov 14, 2019
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo
Introducing the topic of prediction explanation and Shapley values + some words on our methods for accounting for the feature dependence
Jun 19, 2019
Sola Strand Hotel, Stavanger
Kort intro til LIME + Shapley verdier og vårt arbeid
Dec 5, 2018
Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway
Hva innebærer prediksjonsforklaring, litt om SHAP og LIME og vårt arbeid med å reparere SHAP
Nov 23, 2018
Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway
Short intro to SHAP, comparison to LIME and a bit about how we fix the feature dependene issue
Nov 19, 2018
Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway
Hva innebærer prediksjonsforklaring, litt om SHAP og LIME og vårt arbeid med å reparere SHAP
Oct 10, 2018
Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway